������The boy, who was crying as his
heart would break,
said, when I spoke to him,
that he was very hungry,
because he had had
no food for two days.
This boy, a
member of the Sun family, had been born
in the year of the horse.
he was a year younger
and a head shorter than
Water Girl, he was honest and
sincere. �������꡷Ӣ�뱾������ҳ��
������������Ӣ��ԭ���У���ָ the boy ���к����ĵ���������
�ƴ��� he ���������ʽ�����ĴΣ�his, him, he, he���ں�����
������If you turned the wheels, they would open
the tanks
and dump the oil into the
sea. The system was to be used
in case of an emergency.
I knew this was an emergency.
But it wasn't that
������Then Bill corrected himself. "I mean, it's
unusual to
find any carpenter who's
as talented as you are on
restoration work."
"That sounds fabulous!" Mady cried, with
real joy in her voice. Bill
went on. "And that's where my
parents come in," he said.
"I talked to them, too."
(Love in Bloom, by Jennie
���űȶ��Լ���������������˵�� Ҫ��һ����������
������After all, Jason has often talked about how
people can be. He's even
laughed about it. And he doesn't
sell anything that is very
rare or costly. (Picture of Evil, by
Janet Lorimer)
������"Do you want anything to eat?" "No,
thanks. I work
at a restaurant all day,
and somehow it sort of kills your
appetite." (No Secrets,
by Nancy White)
��������ԭ�ĵ� this ָ��ʱ������������ it ��ָ���ڽ������
�ˡ���������ԭ�ĵ� that �����鷢����ij�����ڣ�����������ij
����ɡ������Ҹ�ĸ������ĵط������ԡ�����������it ��ָ
���������������ᵽ�����ӡ����ӡ��͵ȣ�ʹ��������Ϊ this��
���� that �����⡣��������������Ҳ����Ϊ it ��˵��ǿ����˵
�����Ǻ������ġ�����¡���������������you ������һ����
������The kidding seemed to cheer Bonnie up
a bit. When
she noticed this,
Jane became serious again. (The Road to
Love, by T. P. Turner)
����������ԭ�ĵ� she ָ��������ļ�����ȴ������Ϊ
������"I knew that you are interested in an apprenticeship,"
Joe said. "But you don't
have much chance of getting
around this area unless
union members back you up."
(Chance of a Lifetime, by
Jennie Abbott)
������"You know," Vonnie said as they neared
the club,
"you should put down your
clipboard more often." "What
do you mean?" Joe
asked, sounding a little confused. "It's
just that you're less serious--and
a lot more fun--without
it," Vonnie answered.
(Chance of a Lifetime,
by Jennie Abbott)
��������She hoped that the water hadn't damaged
the tiny
transmitter. And she hoped
that Dawson would pick up the
signal and get to her in
time. She wished she'd remembered
it before now. But there
was no use in wishing. She rolled
over and began to swim.
(A Dangerous Game, by Janet
��������It was not the speakers on the platform
who would
not answer them, who were
to blame, or the ushers at the
meeting; it was the poor
women who had had bruises and
their knocks and scratches,
and who were put into prison
for doing precisely nothing
but holding a protest meeting in
the street
after it was
all over.
(Militant Suffragists, by
Emmeline Pankhurst)
����������ԭ�ĵ� one ָһ�Ρ�������ѧͽ�Ļ��ᡱ��������
�壬�Ͳ���ôһ�����������Ǹ���Ȥ�ˡ���������������it ��ָ
ʵ���ͷ�����������ָ�鱨��������������ԭ�ĵ� it ��ָǰ
��������The monthly-meeting of Philadelphia
having been
under a concern on account
of some Friends who, this
summer, A. D. 1758, had
bought Negro slaves, the said
meeting moved
in their quarterly-meeting, to have the
minute reconsidered in the
yearly-meeting, which was made
last on that subject:...
(A Testimony against Slavery, by
John Woolman)
��������And second, although Laurie hated
to admit
it, she
didn't want to break her
date with Tony. (Never Too Late,
by T. P. Turner)
����������ԭ�ĵ� it ��ָ to have the minute reconsidered in the
Ϊ it ��ָ���ĵġ����ū�����������ˡ�ͬ����������������
ԭӢ�ĵ� it ָ������Ը��ȡ��Լ�ᣬ������ʵ��һ�ʵ���ָ��
��������I balled my hand into a fist and struck
him. I hit
him again before he
could get over his surprise, and he
went crashing to the floor.
(The Black Gold Conspiracy,
by Stan Timmons)
������������Ӣ��ԭ�ĴӾ� he could get over his surprise������
�� he���þ���˵�������ڡ������¡���ʱ���ҡ��ִ���һ
��������And yet everybody has certain ideals
which determine
the direction of this endeavors
and his judgments. In this
sense I have never looked
upon ease and happiness as ends
in themselves--this ethical
basis I call the ideal of a
pigsty. (The World as I
See It, by Albert Einstein)
������������Ӣ�ĵ� ethical basis�������������ǻ�ָ��Ϊ���ֶ�
��������I was even mad at you for
not noticing
what was
going on. (Never Too Late,
by T. P. Turner)
������������Ӣ��ԭ��not noticing ���������� you���㣩��ԭ
��.��.�� ��λ��Ϊ���ʻ������ʡ���ʱ�����Ļ��Ӣ��ʡ��
��������and I shall find out who is wise, and who
pretends to
be wise, and is not. (Apology,
by Socrates)
eat ��
��ָ�Է���drive ����ָ������read ����ָ���顣��ɺ���ʱ����
��������When quitting time finally came around,
she was
ready for it. But as she
headed down to the trailers to
up, Richie stopped her.
(Chance of a Lifetime, by Jennie
����������ԭ�ĵ� wash up û�д������˼�ǡ�ϴһ�£��֡�
�У�was ���ʡȥ��ǰ���ᵽ��serious�����Ǻ������IJ�������
��������Pam didn't know how long she stared
at Frank
Dawson. he couldn't be serious.
But from the look on his
face, she knew
that he
was. (A Dangerous Game, by Janet
������������Ӣ��ԭ���У�he was����ʡ����ǰ���ᵽ�� serious��
The rear walls of the houses touch the rocky slopes
and ....�������꡷Ӣ�뱾��ҳ��
The houses
on the northern bank of the river are
separated according to a
design that has lanes running
between every three or four
of them and steps leadin down
to the riverbank, giving
the vague impression of metal
chains when the flagstones
reflect the light from the sun or
the moon. �������꡷Ӣ�뱾��ҳ��
No wonder the corps of cadres settled in Crossroads
Township, which had arisen
across the river to serve as a
huge screen to protect the
village and infuse it with the
proper spirit. But since
the people of Stream of Wandering
Spirits are divided among
ten surnames, all sharing in the
auspiciousness of the location,
why did only the Tian and
Gong clans prosper?�������꡷Ӣ�뱾��ҳ��
On the day of the funeral, the villagers looked on as the
grieving womenfolk walked
by, wailing bitterly, in
full-length mourning clothes,
heads and faces covered
by hempen hoods. When they
moved to the side of the
road and parted their hoods
slightly, they saw Golden Dog
standing off in the distance,
his eyes staring blankly, his jaw
hanging slack. After a momentary
pause in the wailing,
really let loose, and under
breath they whispered to
the pallbearers to hurry
the coffin to the graveyard.
ǽ��Ӣ���ĵ�the houses��ȴ������Ϊ�����еķ��ӡ�������������
Those who had nothing to give rolled up their sleeves
and went to work, smiling
and flattering everyone they
saw. �������꡷Ӣ�뱾����ҳ��
"In charge of what?" she fired back. "When the Tians
were making revolution,
up in the mountains
holding sway, even though
of our heads hung on
the city wall. But now somebody
else occupies the
The next time you need some yardage, a nice piece of
fabric, come see me.
go to anyone else. I'll be
your back-door supplier.�������꡷Ӣ�뱾����ҳ��
����ռɽΪ�������ԣ�Ӣ���� we �����ǣ��Dz��Եġ���ߵ�our
heads ��˵����ָ���ʱ��ͷ��أ�������ˡ����һ��Ĵ���
somebody else ��ָ�����ر��ǹ��ң�Ҳ������ˡ�������������
�ԣ�Ӣ���� don't go to anyone else�����ұ��˰����㣩���Dz���
He dived into the water and swam straight to the
bottom, where he touched
the bag. Whatever was inside
was kicking and felt soft
and fleshy. Was it an animal or
a person? �������꡷Ӣ�뱾����ҳ��
She went back to the commune and worked as always,
except that now she treated
Tian indifferently, keeping a
proper distance. When the
party secretary or the commune
director complained about
him, her part was to remain
aloof and composed though
every word pained her.
No one who drank in Pockface's blacksmith shop ever
left sober. After the young
men were drunk, Water Girl
would politely offer to
let them stay over, but they always
left. Golden Dog, on the
other hand, refused to leave no
matter how drunk he was,
and didn't return to his boat.
̽һ���Ǹ������������ȴ˵���������˻����� kicking ����
��������ʹ���������DZ���˵�Ļ� pained her����Сˮ���ܣ���
���ߣ�����Сˮ�������������ߡ���������ȴ˵�� refuse
to leave �����ߣ����ɼ�������������ʡ�Ծ������������
The men worked their way slowly past the gaping
by-standers as the first
shadows of evening began to fail.
They never paused, however,
to check the time.
���絥���ָ���ģ�������������Ӣ�������У����� they ����
�����⣬�þ��headed down�ǡ�ȥ������˼�����ǡ�����
Ӣ�뱾Ϊ Howard Goldblatt �����Turbulence ��Baton Rouge
and London: Louisiana State University Press, 1991������